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Comfort and Engagement with Customized Online Tutoring

Customized online tutoring; Best Virtual tutors

Online lessons are available anytime, anywhere

In the new generation of technology and our current state of the world with the pandemic, this has enabled customized online tutoring programs.  They essentially provide the same benefits of in-person tutoring. Customized online tutoring includes 100,000+ math worksheets, games, technical tutorials and word problems that are available 24/7 and do not require the physical presence of a tutor to complete.

If students think ahead, they do not have to wait until they see their tutor again to see progress. The online tutoring culture provides video tutorials that explain multiple strategies for solving any academic problems. The online tutor also provides daily grading and regular feedback on each task completed, encouraging students to keep learning on their own schedules.

The ease of online tutoring cannot be compared with traditional tutoring methods. But we’ve taken this a step further by making sure you are updated on your student’s progress every step of the way. With TutorPit.com you have access to the best virtual tutors and experts.  You will automatically receive online updates as well as participate in quarterly conference calls to be able to stay on top of your student’s goals.  Weekly or biweekly virtual sessions can be arranged as well. Our tutors have the ability to help your child’s confidence and help reinforce conceptual knowledge.

The performance status in the parent customized dashboard gives you detailed information to discuss with your student. This makes what is often a stressful conversation about glasswork and homework an easier experience for both you and your child.

Roadmap to Customized Online tutoring-

  • It increases participation
  • It enables the students to communicate in ways they previously could not
  • Opens a new range of possibilities
  • It enhances student’s technological skills
  • It is engaging for students as it involves audio and visual
  • Forums are anonymous and students are able to express their opinions and ideas
  • It is appealing to students of different learning styles